Like the Radiant Sun
A Novel by Anu Kay

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"Like the Radiant Sun" is a contemporary mystery, seamlessly weaving elements of historical and mythological fiction. The narrative unfolds on a captivating journey across the Old World – from the spiritual city of Varanasi to the enchanting canals of Venice, and from the verdant landscapes of Kerala to the revered Mount Kailash. The story revolves around the ancient Indian martial art of Marma Kala, providing a unique cross-genre encounter with magical realism, action, and murder mystery.
This tale draws inspiration from the profound wisdom embedded in the Vedas and Indian epics, immersing readers in a world where ancient traditions and modern intrigue collide.

Praise for ‘Like the Radiant Sun’

'A confluence of mythology, mysticism and masterful narrative'

'In a vast reservoir of mythological fiction available in India, I am certain, the debut novel of Anu Kay will not get lost in the mist of time.'

- Dr Sunaina Jain, Muse India, the literary ejournal

‘There are certain books which has a voice of its own. Voice in the sense that the emotions portrayed are so vivid as if at some places you feel that it’s your own thoughts which are being echoed in the book. Like the Radiant Sun: A Novel is one of those books.’ 

- Let's Talk Knowledge, The Read Era 

‘Anu kay's "Like a radiant sun" wipes the forbidden dust away from one of these manuscripts and presents it to the readers.’ 

- The Indian Book Club

‘Well-researched and rendered novel. A Must Read!’ 

-Aneesha Shewani, Himalayan Book Club

‘The novel has a quality storyline that feeds upon its thriller elements, suspense and mystery, and an exciting series of events.’              

– V Jha, ReadByCritics

‘A well-researched, meticulously encapsulated piece that will stay with you like a lilting, haunting melody even long after you stop listening to it.’ 

– Rekha Bhagtani, Booxoul

‘The powerhouse Author of Like the Radiant Sun… smashing piece of work by her…’ 

– Rekha Bhagtani, Booxoul

‘Like the Radiant Sun by Anu Kay has been a surprising, wondrous read.’ 

– Neelam, Book Blogger on Instagram

'An unbelievable climax that will astound you. The cover and title have my heart.'  

- Vidhya Thakkar, Book Blogger and Influencer

‘Writing style is absolutely beautiful. It’s the pinnacle of storytelling which every reader craves for.’

 - Sumith Chowdhury, Change the world

‘There's been a lot of research put behind this piece of work be it in designing cover, editing or the plot.’ 

– Bookelf magazine

‘Writing style of the book is quite perfect…’ 

– Debabrata Mishra| Mr. Reviewer

'Solid research behind the narrative and taut writing definitely kept me reading.'

 – Khyati Gautam, Bookish Fame

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